Value Garage Equipment have released a new range of scissor lifts, ranging from small platform lifts, motorcycle lifts to 3 tonne mid rise lifts. The new lifts are available to see on our website; and will soon be available to purchase from the Value Garage Equipment online store –
The online shop has been growing in popularity over the past few months, with workshops all over the UK looking for the best prices on the market for quality garage equipment that can be trusted and often finding the Value Range. We have found that people have found what they have been looking for on the Value Garage Equipment Store, there’s always new offers and discounts available on the website, and with it’s ease of use and online secure payment system it really can’t be faulted.
Visit the Value Garage Equipment Website today to see the new scissor lift range and their product specifications or call 0800 6123 229 to discuss your individual requirements.