Why Choose Value Garage Equipment?…because we don’t like ‘cheap’!
Over the last few years we have seen many attempts to try and sell Garage Equipment “on the cheap”.
This has meant that a lot of smaller independent workshops have suffered in the hope of buying good value garage equipment.
Typical scenarios being:
The goods have not turned up as described.
You as Garage owners are required to the collect at your own expense.
There is no real support for the equipment once purchased, the justification being thats why it was so ‘cheap’. Varying or sometimes no warranties are offered with the product.
You have to arrange your own installation of the equipment you have just paid hundreds if not thousands of pounds for.
The whole point of our concept is really very simple. We provide you with good “Value Garage Equipment”.
We have our dedicated network of both distributors and our own Fully Employed Service engineer network around the country ready to react for installation, repairs and servicing needs making sure also that if the equipment was to break down there is someone there to help you out!

All our products are available directly from a distributor network, you search for your nearest dealer and contact them, they will contact you back and arrange to supply equipment at online prices AND you get a local point of service and support for any issues that occur with of course our 24 months Parts Warranty on Top!
What is our equipment, where is it from?
You will see that our equipment range is small, and we don’t sell everything under the sun. This is because we have chosen only the best options available to us and yes we have partnered up with only the best supplier from the Far East to make our range what it is.
We are very proud to have strong relationships with all our suppliers who constantly support us, our equipment and in turn you.
How do we do it? We could tell lots of stories and make up great explanations but, It’s simple. Volume purchasing.
We buy large volumes of the refined products that we have selected and you benefit from our Buying Power.
Simply click on the item that suits you, find your local distributor and get in touch. Then wait for us to be in touch with you.
Who has approved our equipment?
Our equipment is approved by Toyota and Audi. If it is good enough for the THEM, then it is good enough for US!