V-Tech UK Garage Equipment currently have various two post lifts featured on the 2 post lift mega sale, which can be found on our website.It is important to note that these various 2 post vehicle lifts are 100% European manufactured and V-Tech have highlighted this fact but adding 100% European banners on individual pages of the website. It’s a great
Please take a look at our recent installation photos from this year, we have a range of photos showing our different lifts and equipment available. There seems to be a general interest on our Facebook page around installation photos. These photos really show how our equipment can be implemented into garages today and shows the equipment almost in action. Below
Garage equipment is vastly improving and ranging in different sizes, colour and strength. The range is so vast that new garage owners and/or even existing experienced mechanics are shopping for what’s best for their garage. With so much choice in the 21st century, a lot of time is dedicated to finding and choosing the correct garage equipment here in the