Here is our latest Garage equipment install at Thornley Kelham Garage in Lakeside. This install consisted of 4 post lifts installations and 2 post lift installations. Please take the time to look through the photos on our blog or Facebook page and let us know your feedback and comments, as they are always welcome. Another fantastic installation, means happy customers
We are not far into the new year of 2013 but we have plenty of recent installation photos to show already. Take a look and as usual the photos are available to comment on via Facebook etc. This month we have some very nice Pit installs to show with some unusual workarounds. This is to show what great work
Please take a look at our recent installation photos from this year, we have a range of photos showing our different lifts and equipment available. There seems to be a general interest on our Facebook page around installation photos. These photos really show how our equipment can be implemented into garages today and shows the equipment almost in action. Below
Equipment Installations Photos To see more of V-Tech Garage Equipment Installations please visit our main website here. V-Tech UK really do take care of the whole process, from planning to completion and there after. If your interested in our M.O.T equipment please call us 0208 498 1288. If you enjoyed looking at these photos please like them on Facebook where