Starting your own garage or buying equipment for your existing garage can be a daunting task. However considering just a few things before setting out shopping for your garage tools can be a massive time saver and money saver. Often people make the mistake of searching for garage equipment in the cheapest places available like Ebay or searching for used garage equipment. Whilst this could seem like a great money saving idea, it will cost you dearly in the long run of your business. It’s the old saying of ‘getting off to the right foot’. This is easily achievable by visiting renowned garage equipment manufacturers and distributors, and often the best deals are to be found online. Another top tip is to only search for Quality European garage equipment, not Chinese. The proof is in the reputation, you only have to search on Youtube to find the horror stories involved with vehicle lifts that don’t hold half their recommended weight and collapsing. Often European garage equipment is better made with longer warranty proving the trust in their equipment.
Another tip is to go in prepared, find out exactly what kind of lift you want? there are many different car lifts, ranging from two posted to 4 post lifts, based or baseless, scissor lifts and more. By finding out what equipment you need in your workshop and how many equipments you can fit into your garage whilst leaving plenty of room for the vehicle your servicing is a great time saver. Narrowing what your looking for also looks good to the company you are looking to purchase from and may even score points and getting a good offer.
After some preliminary research you can begin to get quotes from well known distributors like V-Tech, who like any good distributor will provide great customer care and service, doing all the hard work for you, from surveying the grounds, filling out VOSA forms, VOSA technical drawings to actually delivering and installing. The hard part to starting your garage equipment is deciding what equipment you need and pulling in the punters. Mind, a clean spacious garage with proper quality equipment speaks for it self and will soon drive the customers to your doors anyway.
So in conclusion by doing just a little research and knowing exactly what your after for your garage and contacting the right people, you can save plenty of time and money, and what’s even better is if you find the right company who will do the rest of the work for you, planning to installation.
A resource for garage equipment